Finance: The Budgeting Process
[FREE COURSE] This course designed specifically for small cities provides an overview of the budgeting process.
City spending is governed by state law. Expenditures must always be for a public purpose. Certain types of large projects must be competitively bid, only some purchasing methods are authorized, and paying city bills requires safeguard measures.
Learn the process for paying city bills as set by laws applying to all forms of statutory city government.
Learn about state laws regulating disbursement of public funds such as competitive bidding requirements, best value and emergency contracting.
Find general criteria that must be met in order for a public expenditure to be valid.
Understand statutory authority for cities to acquire and dispose of real estate.
Learn what types and price of contracts are subject to competitive bidding requirements.
Explore ways in which League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT) members can reduce premium costs.
Get tips to avoid Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) fraud, and access a model policy on Safe Electronic Transfers and Payments…
Updates and information to assist in your city's financial decision-making process during the COVID-19 pandemic.
[FREE COURSE] This course designed specifically for small cities provides an overview of the budgeting process.
This program gives newer city clerks the foundational skills and knowledge needed to run and govern a city.
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